Welcome Mother's Guide Through Autism Listeners 

Since you are here, you likely heard me on Mother's Guide Through Autism with Brigitte Shipman.

I hope you found my conversation to be insightful and motivating. As you likely heard, I’m passionate about illuminating healing from grief, loss, and trauma by embracing unique journeys and creating transformative habits to mend the mind, body, and soul.

As a recently and late diagnosed autistic person, being an advocate for others like myself has become equally important for me. It was my driving force for holding conversations like the one you heard, to act as a spokesman to offer a better understanding of the autism community.

We all carry scars from life, but growth is not fostered by staying put. Progress requires intention, effort, insight, and help along the way. We don’t need a way to forget what happened to us or the ones we love. We need a better way to remember! This is why I’ve dedicated the last two decades of my career to helping others communicate their stories to beautifully mend. I like to call that “Gold Scars”.

I’ve worked with many others like yourself to embrace S.C.A.R. - Strength, Courage, Adaptability, and Resilience and to navigate healing through the 7-Habits-To-Heal Method.

If you’re looking to embrace life’s wounds, find beauty in healing, and become a Gold Scar Survivor, please do not hesitate to reach out. I would love to connect with you.
